Friday, April 28, 2023

You want the real first-hand truth about Devil's Breath & How it works? Read this

Read on to discover the true, whole story about the notorious "Devil's Breath". There's a good possibility you won't find this information anywhere else. 

Devil's Breath, not to be confused with Burundanga, is a sinister drug that has gained notoriety for its mind-controlling and incapacitating effects. Much misinformation indicates that it is only derived from a plant native to South America, where it has been used for centuries in various rituals and criminal activities.

The truth is, the two key components that give Devil's Breath its notorious power are scopolamine and atropine (anticholinergics) which are not only found in plants in South America; the plants are naturally occurring across the globe, including in the U.S.

In the U.S. the same components used to make Devil's Breath have been used for hundreds of years by native Americans in a drink called Wysoccan, as paste, as a "herb" in a pipe disguised as tobacco out of revenge (this continues today), to erase memories and to rebuild a victim's mind, and has been used by our own military known as M43 BZ3 Quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB) (US Army code EA-2277NATO code BZ) to incapacitate the minds of people in an area encompassing slightly over 2 acres delivered through an M138 bomblet, and was stockpiled until 1990 when NATO banned its use for chemical warfare

Exploring the capabilities of Devil's Breath

Most people are undoubtedly under the impression that Devil's Breath instantly makes one mentally feeble, devoid of free will, and totally obedient. People who truly understand "Devil's Breath" don't need to dramatize it, even though the above is true in certain situations and has well-known effects on the brain. There's no need to dramatize Devil's Breath's abilities, but people nonetheless add to its insidious reputation.

The danger is in what a skilled person can do with it to another person that makes Devil's Breath so frightening, and I'm not talking about robbing someone or sexual assault, which do happen and are both terrible enough.

What you will discover here is the whole truth about what Devil's Breath is capable of and how Devil's Breath is utilized for more serious and egregious crimes, as well as how its qualities are employed in intricate, criminal ways. 

The purpose of this blog and my book(s) is to provide people with useful and educational information so they can arm themselves with knowledge to protect themselves and their families. It is not intended to be used as a tool by criminals.  
What is true about Devil's Breath is the following...

It does plummet a person into a dream-like state
It does leave a person highly open to suggestion while appearing perfectly normal 
It definitely renders a victim mentally incapacitated, which prevents them from having free will. 

If you read anything else that implies Devil's Breath is a myth or that it is totally debunked, you are being duped and deceived. I will explain the reason for this in two parts:

Part of the "myth-making" and the deniers who insist it doesn't exist is due in part to its dramatic name: "Devil's Breath" combined with its terrifying use to incapacitate the mind that seems unreal.

The second reason is due to fear and misunderstanding. Perhaps once it is explained in a different, but easy-to-understand way, people will come to accept it.
As I wrote in my book Breathing Evil: Agent of Fear, anticholinergics are drugs that block the central and peripheral nervous systems' synapses from receiving the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh). These substances specifically prevent ACh from attaching to its receptor in nerve cells

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that we all need to be aware and conscious (among other vital things).
Anticholinergic drugs include scopolamine and atropine and are two of the powerful, mind-incapacitating chemicals in Devil's Breath as you read above.

Devil's Breath's constituents are well-known, validated, and comprehended. However, a lot of individuals still reject its existence today. 

The image on the left is the Merck manual from 1906. The manual describes how scopolamine induces artificial hypnosis that can be increased or decreased by dosage and intervals of dose, as well as "the resisting power" of individuals.

In a book titled "The Truth About Twilight Sleep" by Hannah Rion 1915, it demonstrates that Scopolamine used for childbirth was developed in 1906 called "The Gauss Dammerschlaf."  

"The patient remains to all appearances normal, she dozes between pains, and though she may apparently awake during the actual pains and even discuss them with those around her, it will be found after the birth is over that she has retained no memory whatever of the events which have taken place". 

The above quote taken from the book "The Truth About Twilight Sleep" could be compared to information today that states when a person is drugged with Devil's Breath, they appear normal despite being drugged, and have no memory of what they did while they were drugged. 

Despite the needless drama surrounding it, the infamous "Devil's Breath" actually does cause the frightening effects that you read about at the beginning of this post—though not as quickly as has been dramatized. To understand the truth, let's look at the several ways that Devil's Breath can be administered to a victim …  

Through powder blown into your face - This is the one almost always dramatized as taking effect immediately.

Through unknowingly ingesting it from a pipe or a cigarette

Through drops in a drink - This is the second method almost always dramatized as taking effect immediately 

Through ointment & Through injection

However, here, I am referring to Devil's Breath in high dosages used for criminal acts; I will not be discussing scopolamine patches or eye drops here.

Devil's Breath administered in any other way except by injection takes approximately 10 to 20 minutes to begin to take effect. However, there is some debate over ointment and the best places to apply it to the body to maybe hasten its effects. 

When Devil's Breath is taken in large doses, the user will suffer horrifying physical and psychological effects. It can quickly get to the point where some users become irrational and aggressive, to the point where they would need to be restrained. This is because there is no such thing as an individual's "safe" dose.

To put it another way, Devil's Breath has unpredictable effects on everybody, regardless of height, weight, age, or gender. If a dose knocks one person out and they don't die, a person of the same age and size could be turned into this: (Rudy Eugene and his zombie -like behavior is a great example here). 

However, that only applies in large dosages or when a low-level criminal uses the drug without fully understanding its potential. 

It's a sad fact that if the victim's mind is "stripped" down to aggressive, "zombie-like behavior" after this occurs, he only has about eight hours to get help if he wants to ever be normal or near-normal again. There is only one antidote that is capable of completely reversing this state, although not guaranteed but must be administered within eight hours of poisoning. 

There are other antidotes for mild anticholinergic poisoning (anticholinergic syndrome) but only one that can potentially reverse the severe poisoning I am referring to. 

Additionally, if their mind is completely stripped to the behavior mentioned above, they don't even know they are human; all awareness is cut off; the "I am" is severed. 
"The thread of life is cut". This doesn't necessarily mean a physical death, their consciousness, their awareness is literally severed. They are left mentally unconscious but physically active as if they are conscious yet left in a terrifying non-human, unaware limbo.

Obviously, at these doses, anyone drugged with Devil's Breath cannot realize they are drugged and very likely would not seek any help unless through a friend or relative or they are intentionally prevented from getting any help. 

As previously mentioned, Devil's Breath is in part made from very powerful tropane alkaloids: scopolamine and atropine. Atropos: ” The Fate that severs the thread of life and you can now fully understand what is meant by that.

The high-stakes complex crime I will be talking about employs an extremely risky technique to get the victim as close as possible to the point of severing their consciousness, to the border of stripping their mind, and then they bring them back, but with a radically altered personality. 

These skilled criminals literally re-construct the victim's mind without the victim ever knowing what happened.

This information is merely provided to illustrate the notorious power of Devil's Breath. This is accurate; it has been medically proven. I am not referring to the misinformation posted on the internet by ignorant individuals who minimize it or by those who are attempting to conceal the truth. However, these infamous side effects would, of course, depend on the dosage, frequency, the individual ingesting it, and the skill level and knowledge of the criminal administering it.

 Using Devil's Breath, in a high-stakes, complex crime 

When things go wrong, they go really wrong. When Devil's Breath is administered in large,  doses and something goes wrong, the victim is immediately thrust into a very scary state that lasts only a brief period before their mind is taken away. You can almost see it in their faces, almost as if they are actually experiencing the actual cutting of their "consciousness" while they are awake and aware. 

The effects of Devil's Breath are truly horrifying. The victim's eyes widen in terror, their body trembles uncontrollably, and a cold sweat covers their skin. It is a chilling sight that serves as a haunting reminder of the devastating power this drug holds over its victims. 

Most of the time, the victim quickly realizes they are incapable of speaking. The victim's vocal cords become paralyzed, limiting their ability to produce sounds only, which occasionally mimic raccoon sounds. Furthermore, the victim's eyesight deteriorates with these dosages, sometimes leading to temporary near-total blindness. 

Although they experience a brief period of panic, this is only before their mind is totally rendered useless and some become extremely aggressive, akin to a wild, rabid animal that, in certain cases, will be restrained or, at the absolute least, locked in a room.

Finally, due to the extreme rise in body temperature, the victim will begin taking off their clothes, act erratically, and in some cases will eventually die.

In the case of Rudy Eugene, it took something like 4 or 5 bullets to bring him down, which terrified the officer who sunk the bullets in him as he had never seen anything like it before. I am not stating with any certainty that Devil's Breath was used on him, I am merely using his case as an example of the potential wild behavior. 

In support of this untamed, zombie-like behavior, medical research has shown that injecting "scopolamine," one of the essential tropane alkaloids in Devil's Breath, into the basal forebrain can cause an animal or a person to attack ferociously and "with the intent to kill." This is a fact confirmed by medical documentation.

As I wrote here you may be informed by your physician, another physician, a nurse, or other medical professional that “scopolamine” is only used in eye drops, to treat motion sickness, or in tiny amounts in other medications; and that it cannot do the notorious things that you have read about being performed by Devil’s Breath. This is utterly wrong.

With all due respect, though, these individuals are specialists in the medical area, and their understanding of chemistry and pharmaceuticals is restricted to prescribing specific medications to patients for certain medical conditions. They would have far more knowledge of them and their potential if they were in a lab researching or producing them or perhaps were involved in the creation of an incapacitating agent using the components in Devil's Breath (scopolamine and atropine) by James S. Ketchum for our own military who later stockpiled it. 

Now, I will discuss the truth about the effects of Devil's Breath (scopolamine and atropine)

Complete Compliance

How is it possible that the tale of becoming fully compliant right away following Devil's Breath poisoning is true? 
It's not. So many stories of a victim bumping into someone or smelling what they are told is perfume or are handed an envelope and like magic, they are immediately rendered incapacitated. This is not accurate. 
Despite that Devil's Breath does in fact eventually render a person compliant, it does not do so immediately. 

Likely, the victims do not remember the exact moment they were poisoned and therefore can only base their information on what they do remember or they are piecing things together to make some sense of what happened. Before a victim would ever become compliant, they would have entered a gradual dream-like state first, not the other way around neither would they occur simultaneously.

When using Devil's Breath on a victim, a criminal must be extremely proficient, possess the ability to isolate the victim for four to eight hours following the poisoning, and have a well-thought-out plan. To truly grasp Devil's Breath's effects and dosage, the criminal needs to be very skilled. They also need to have a complete awareness of their victim's routine and surroundings to carry out their strategy discreetly and successfully. 

It is not as simple to poison someone to make them compliant as it may seem from what you have read, seen on TV, or heard in part due to the time required to take effect and the early impacts on the victim's body and brain from Devil's Breath.

After being poisoned with Devil's Breath, due to its unpredictability, the victim must be removed to seclusion quickly before the poison's initial physical effects manifest. So, it's not like a victim is poisoned in a bar and the victim and criminal hang out for a few hours in the bar while the criminal waits until the victim's mind is incapacitated, and then they leave to empty the victim's bank account, as you may have read somewhere or viewed in a movie. 

Here's why: 
The victim is actually useless to the criminal for the first three or four hours following Devil's Breath poisoning for two reasons:

1. A criminal dosage of scopolamine will cause the victim to show unpredictable, often frightening physical symptoms and signs of poisoning within the first 10 to 20 minutes of the ingestion.

 2. The victim's mind does not become completely pliable until the initial effects of Devil's Breath begin to wear off, which can take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours after the victim is first drugged.

However, the victim will absolutely become compliant, is easily directed and his mind can be used once the two to four hours have passed and he is well into a dream-like state known as NREM, which is a state between wakefulness and sleep that Devil's Breath induces. 
It is simply too uncertain for the criminal and the victim to spend hours together in a bar following the poisoning of Devil's Breath.

Outwardly looking "Articulate and Normal"

Appearing articulate and looking and acting seemingly "normal" after being poisoned with Devil's Breath is true and it's profound, but only occurs 2 - 4 hours after being drugged. But you don't generally read that either. 

The truth:

When administered, Devil's Breath eventually renders a victim mentally helpless or incapacitated, deceives them into thinking that what they are doing is just a dream that they simply cannot distinguish from reality, leaves them highly "open to suggestion and easily directed," and prevents them from recording anything in their memory (apart from in certain skilled situations explained in my book). The victim also actually "looks and acts" normally, acting and doing things as though nothing is wrong. The details in my book explain how and why this is possible, it's compelling. Regardless of your choice to read my book or not, be aware that the victim always presents as normal and never appears drugged. 

A victim could literally be standing before you, conversing with you, or driving a car that you are in, eating dinner with you and neither you, a family member or a friend would ever know that the person was drugged with Devil's Breath. 

Furthermore, because the body cannot quickly metabolize or break down Devil's Breath, the victim will remain "drugged" for three to five days following poisoning. This explains why you might have heard stories of victims waking up in a park with no memory of the previous three or four days and no idea what had happened to them. 

Here, however, I'm talking about a high-stakes, intricate crime occurring in the U.S. where the perpetrators drug the victim repeatedly during sessions for at least a month while they work on reconstructing their minds. They can carry out this action without anyone knowing, particularly the victim. In my book previously mentioned, I go over this and how it's done in detail as it is too lengthy and complex to include here.

A lot of money is being made by people who lurk in the shadows of Devil's Breath, lots of it. Depending on if they are using Devil's Breath for a quick robbery scheme, for abduction, or for a much higher level of crime to steal all of someone's wealth, this will determine how Devil's Breath will be used on a victim and for how long. 

The reason you read or hear about Devil's Breath and its use in robberies more frequently is because it is used by low-level, inexperienced thieves who really have no idea what they are doing and they steal what they can quickly, and it's done frequently in places like Colombia. Their goal is to obtain quick cash from an ATM and possibly pilfer high-value items from the victim.

The sinister allure of Devil's Breath continues to draw in those seeking to profit from its potent effects. From petty thieves looking for a quick score to masterminds planning elaborate heists, the use of this dangerous substance varies greatly depending on the criminal's intentions. 

It's quite profound how the victim genuinely never realizes what happened; I've seen it firsthand and know of multiple victims to whom it happened. 

They are never aware that they are under the influence of a drug at all, they are never aware that the criminals are making them make decisions and they are never aware of what the criminals are doing to their mind, which will be permanent. 

Still, things get significantly worse for the victim and for their family. 

Without a doubt, this crime becomes soullessly worse which here would be too lengthy to explain, but is explained in detail in in my book mentioned above.

Loss of Memory 

When Devil's Breath is in your system, the brain cannot record information that the victim could later recall when he is no longer drugged, as in short-term memory. 

The victim would not remember being drugged what he did or what happened while he was drugged. Again I write at length about this in my book.

While the victim is drugged, during this time, the victim is also suffering brain damage (missing gaps in his long-term memory) yet he doesn't know it because he doesn't know that he is drugged.

The victim not only cannot record anything in his short-term memory, but he is also losing his stored, long-term memory at the same time because Devil's Breath repeatedly in these high doses causes permanent brain damage.

While the victim is unknowingly suffering brain damage and isn't capable of recording information that he would be able to recall when he is no longer drugged, the brain damage is causing "gaps" in the victim's true, long-term memory very similar to what happens to an Alzheimer's patient. 

The highly skilled criminals who bring the victim to the edge of stripping the victim's mind, use these "gaps" and missing memory to their advantage
when rebuilding the victim's mind.

There are a few reasons why criminals insist on and must rebuild the victim's mind: to make the victim believe that every decision they made no matter how radical, they did so of their own choices. This is done to protect the criminals from being found out. 

These particular crimes as I previously stated are not about drugging a victim one time to get money from an ATM or for sexual assault, these are elaborate schemes to steal all of the wealth, possessions, and businesses from victims. The criminals are completely invested in the victim and will carry out this crime over a month or more including the stripping of and rebuilding of the victim's mind. 

If an adult victim makes certain decisions, no matter what those decisions are or how significant, if he believes and openly states or testifies that he made the decisions of his own accord there isn't much that anyone can do about it legally or otherwise. It cannot and in most cases; will not be disputed.

While rebuilding a victim's mind, certain information is additionally provided (indoctrination) as part of their agenda which is in elaborate detail in my book. 

These criminals target a victim and usually work in sets of 2 to 3 people: one person will befriend the victim, and that person will introduce the victim to another person who is generally the person who will initially poison the victim. After the initial poisoning, the victim will often meet a 3rd person who will work together with the other two criminals to keep the victim poisoned. 

In the U.S. there is a specific group of criminals targeting victims which I discuss in detail and with real evidence in my book. Suffice it to say that the criminals rely on the victims suffering brain damage so they can exploit their minds and "reset" or rebuild them while they steal their money and change their lives. When the victim is no longer drugged, they emerge as a completely changed person, with new memories, and a new personality and they never suspect that anything has happened to them. In fact, they will fight legally or otherwise whoever challenges their belief. 

To the victim, who they are is always who they have been. To family and friends, it is extremely frightening to experience this radical change and peculiar decision-making.

On this page, I offer some data and actual court evidence to demonstrate how hints of Devil's Breath poisoning and the mind-altering can be found by closely examining the victim's statements in contrast to the perpetrators' claims. It is quite captivating to witness it in front of your eyes.

The criminals repeatedly harm people in this way to obtain control over them, their money, or their business. They also destroy several families in the process. I would also like to emphasize that it isn't always utilized on the wealthy; in my book, readers will go on an amazing trip to uncover a covert agenda centered on revenge.

It's quite profound how this happens to a person, while everyone around the victim; family and friends are literally worried and left scratching their heads trying to figure out why this person is making sudden, drastic changes to his life, why they are so different, the victim has no idea what happened to him and thinks he's doing everything of his own accord even though it is the criminals behind it the whole time. 

Lastly and for a simple FYI, it's been speculated that Devil's Breath is or is in the "Hollywood's Gold Juice" that has been recently circulated on TikTok.

Devil's Breath V. Burundanga

Burundanga and Devil's Breath are often confused with one another. Burundanga is not Devil’s Breath. These two substances are opposed to one another. 

I would like to provide the truth:

Devil's Breath is made from plants containing the tropane alkaloids scopolamine and atropine, is used to incapacitate the mind, and is usually a white crystalline powder. 

Burundanga is made from 
1. Burned and ground-up human remains
2. a small tree frog
3. a marine annelid worm
4. a large new world psychoactive toad (Bufotoxin), and
5. one or more species of puffer fish and is usually a black powder. 

Burundanga is a poison (TTX Tetrodotoxin) that gives the appearance of death.

Devil's Breath was historically administered daily to a victim after they had been poisoned with Burundanga to keep a victim compliant. 

You can visit this page on my blog to learn more. 

Thanks for reading. You should come back again for more future true stories and updates.

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